Trid/Sim shows
Action Shows
"Protector" (A show about corporate security saving lives.)
"Bright Lights" ("Protector" clone)
"Shadowbreaker" ("Protector" clone)
"Money Warriors" (Merc show)
"Tyee!" (Popular formulaic show about Thunder Tyee"s campaign to free the NAN from the UCAS. He summons the power of the Great Ghost Dance every episode.)
"Shadowrun" (Staring Drake. Campy show where Drake saves beautiful women from evil governments and corporations, but Ares is always there to help.)
"Protector" (A show about corporate security saving lives.)
"Bright Lights" ("Protector" clone)
"Shadowbreaker" ("Protector" clone)
"Money Warriors" (Merc show)
"Tyee!" (Popular formulaic show about Thunder Tyee"s campaign to free the NAN from the UCAS. He summons the power of the Great Ghost Dance every episode.)
"Shadowrun" (Staring Drake. Campy show where Drake saves beautiful women from evil governments and corporations, but Ares is always there to help.)
"Sapphire: Shadowrunner for Hire"
(Shadowrunning in a skin-tight catsuit.)
"Neil the Ork Barbarian" (A
medieval story about an Ork fighting to get the girl and his kingdom.
Now a full length feature sim.)
"Karl Kombatmage" (An
action/comedy show about a group of shadowrunners in Berlin. Feature
length sim available in August 2063.)
"Crimson Files" (Tales of
Renraku"s Red Samurai.)
"Kill The Dead" (HMHVV
killing, zombie horror style.)
"Cyberboy" (Based on an old
flat vid show, but with more violence and nudity.)
"Half-Life with Steve"
(Post-apocalypse toxic sprit thriller.)
"Slade the Sniper" (A UCAS
combat vet takes to the mean streets of Seattle.)
"Cenozoic Park" (Cyber
enhanced dinosaurs break out of their habitats and wreak havoc.)
"Death Dawn"(A fantasy epic
about a band of heroes fighting against horrible monsters after a
magical apocalypse.)
"BattleMech TechWarriors" (In
the far flung future, mercenaries and soldiers in giant suits of
robot armor fight! Who will be victorious: the decadent Center Sphere
planets or the vicious yet honorable Tribes?)
"Crimson Road" (Set in an
alternate 1950s! In the aftermath of a disastrous loss in World War
2, the United States is broken into warring factions where diesel
punk road pirates are the only true power! Hop in to your hot rod hep
cat! It"s time to take to Red Route 66 and high jack some high
value cargo!)
"LightningBug" (A space
opera/western about the rag tag crew of a small "lightning bug"
class space ship named the Tranquility. Network is threatening to
cancel after only 11 episodes.)
"Deathstar 9" (A modern
gladiatorial drama/action show. Heavy on the violence.)