Monday, October 30, 2017



UMK, a Saeder-Krupp subsidiary, released the UMK Mark IV with Saeder-Krupp security companies. Released a few months later to public, the UMK Mark IV has been met with high praise by military and security units. The only complaint so far is the weapons weight. UMK is planning a long production run despite this flaw.

Sunday, October 29, 2017


May 17, 2062 = Downtown, A gas leak in a building owned by Allied Security caused a four block evacuation. Traffic was backed up for hours, until the city was able to clean up the area.

Kalashnikov PLM-24

Kalachnikov PLM-24

Since coming under the Yamatetsu umbrella in 2061, Kalachnikov has been producing new firearms to market to the Russian Army. Kalachnikov hopes the PLM-24 will be adopted by the Red Army as a standard sidearm for the Spetsialnogo Naznacheniya. Kalachnikov is planning a short production run that may expand if adopted by the Russian Army.

Saturday, October 7, 2017


May 15, 2062 = Redmond, A flock of harpies attacked a group of tourists from Bellevue. Lone Star has promised a quick and complete response.

May 16, 2062 = Bellevue, Tacoma Timberwolves all-star Anthony Jones' house burned down this morning. Jones himself has gone missing.