
Physical Adept
Status: Retired
Rank: Elite
Weapon Specialty: Sword
Age: 34
Sex: Female
Height: 6' 2"
Weight: 170 lbs

"You want to be a runner? Listen, this job isn't easy and there are no perks. It involves lots of your own blood, sweat, and tears, and if you want to be happy you're considering the wrong career options. This job means killing others to get ahead. It means running from the Star when they get a little too close for comfort - and believe me, they will. And that's another thing about this job. From the time you complete your first run…no, from the time you start your first run you will be running from the Star. Or Knight Errant. Or any other security Corp you happen to irritate while you're trying to make a dishonest buck. I do this job because at first I had no choice. I was lucky enough to get a second chance but I didn't recognize it when it happened, so here I am again. I have lost more than you can ever hope to have. I have seen more carnage and destruction and filth than any trideo movie producer ever conceived of. Look, I don't really know you and I don't really want to get to know you, but here's some personal advice if you're still actually thinking about doing this for a living - forget about romance. Forget about warm cuddly evenings with someone special to you. If you're already in a relationship then don't even consider this Shadowrunning thing any further. If you aren't, don't ever think you will be later. This job changes you and not for the best. You have to face all of your own limitations and fears and more pain of more varieties than I can describe. If I were you I'd walk away right now, forget we ever had this conversation, and go on to live a nice middle class paper-pushing life that involves marriage and kids and generally the trideo sit-com kind of happiness cause I know life isn't really like what you see on the trid but as a Shadowrunner you will never even come close to it."

"Don't frag with me, I'm not in the mood." - Ebony

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