
Street Samurai
Status: Retired
Rank: Elite
Weapon Specialty: Pistol
Age: 28
Sex: Male
Height: 6'
Weight: 280 lbs

"So, you wanna run huh? Okay. But there's things you gotta know. First things first... Don't trust anyone. No one. Not yer Mom. Not yer Dad. Not that scrawny bleached floatation device you call yer bitch. NO ONE. Every one's corrupt in this biz and you gotta understand that righteousness, honesty, honor, valor and all that other drek don't mean a damn thing. In fact, there's only two things that do matter... Yer ass and nuyen. Now kid, you also gotta understand that you're the bad guy. I mean, we wouldn't have jobs if the drek we did was legal. And forget all yer childhood buddies and worn out relationships, cuz when the drek hits the fan and it's your ass on the line, either you cut your losses and head for the shadows, or start thinkin' about what to say to yer new four hundred pound Girlfriend named tiny, when he asks for some "Quality time" with yer anus. Oh yeah, I almost forgot, this ain't no game kid, this is real life. So if yer in the biz to make some kind of name for yourself, I'd turn my sorry, soft, candy ass right the frag around and head back to good 'ol suburbia for some cocktails and smile with fraggin glee that I was in a good enough mood not to beat the ever lovin piss outta you and make you my bitch. Oh and one more little bit of advice. Keep your wits about you junior, you need more than a gun and super secret runner name to stay breathing in this biz. A lot more. So you still wanna be a runner? Well... here's yer first job. Stay the frag outta my way."

"Always outnumbered, always out gunned."- Stain

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