The base rules are from the Shadowrun 3rd edition book, as well as the Matrix and Target: Matrix sourcebooks. Where the rules do not conflict, the rules from these base books should be used.
Layout of the matrix
In almost every situation, an LTG flows smoothly into a RTG, or another LTG. Only truly restrictive, or paranoid, countries would restrict access to a LTG or RTG. Once a decker accesses a public RTG or LTG, they should be able to move through the matrix without difficulties.
Accessing most RTGs and LTGs can be done wirelessly with a cellular link. No decking checks are needed with accessing an RTG or LTG when using a legit account. Checks are only needed if the decker is attempting to bypass the logon process.
Accessing the matrix.
All around us are wireless signals, flying through the air. These can be accessed by any decker using a radio link. These connections connect to a host and must be accessed as if using a jackpoint connected to that host. These wireless signals have a limited range, which may be tens of feet to as much as several hundred feet of range.
Sometimes, valuable information will be stored in hosts not accessible by wireless signals. Very paranoid governments or corporations will only have basic, freely available information stored in their wireless hosts. More secure servers are hard lined, with fiber optic cables. These may only be accessed by terminal hosts or jack points within that host's facility.